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Meet Emily!


Hello everyone! My name is Emily Tuttle, and I

am a rising senior at Grove City College with

a Major in Biblical and Religious Studies,

and a minor in Biology. I hail from Colorado Springs,

Colorado, where the mountains have always

been my home. While at school, I have loved

being a Resident Assistant for both freshmen and

upperclassmen, playing viola in the Symphonic

Orchestra, serving as an EMT locally, and most

recently, joining the GCC Bee Project under Dr. Farone.

Growing up in Colorado among nature always gave me a love for the outside, and I have always enjoyed projects and tasks that involve both my hands and my head. Since beekeeping accommodates all of these loves, I knew it was the right research team for me. I have enjoyed spending time with our team in research meetings, going shopping for supplies and plants, and of course, spending time with the bees themselves. We have a running joke that you have "made it" when you start talking to the honeybees - and what a lovely conversation! I have grown to be so excited yet soothed as I work in the yard at the bees' pace, attempting to find a queen (I have mistaken way too many drones for the queen), and getting to know the attitudes of the different hives. It is so special and beautiful to see God's Creation played out intimately before my eyes. I am so blessed to be a part of this team!



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