Find a bee vet: Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium

Discover how bee-friendly your neighborhood is at beescape.org
Pollinator Friendly Garden Information

Some basic information on how to start a pollinator friendly garden, where they should be located, considerations for starting one: Creating Pollinator Gardens

Penn State's suggestion on a few plants that are helpful to attract and keep pollinators that are local to Pennsylvania:

A list of different pollinator friendly plants for different areas of a pollinator friendly garden as well as a few tips for how to set up your garden to best help the native pollinators in Pennsylvania: Penn State -- Planting For Pollinators

Great local bee farmers:

Bedillian Honey Farm: https://www.bedillionhoneyfarm.com/

Red Diamond: Red Diamond Honey Bees

Other helpful websites, classes, and documents:
- Responsible antibiotic use in animals: avma.org/antimicrobials
- Pennsylvania State University Honey Bee Information: www.beekeeping101.psu.edu
- Pennsylvania State University Center for Pollinator Research: https://ento.psu.edu/research/centers/pollinators
- Pennsylvania State University Entomology: www.ento.psu.edu/
- Bee Informed Partnership: https://beeinformed.org/
- Mid Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium (MAAREC): https://agdev.anr.udel.edu/maarec/
- National Honey Board (NHB): www.honey.com
- American Beekeeping Federation (ABF): www.abfnet.org
- University of Minnesota Bee Lab: www.beelab.umn.edu/ and www.extension.umn.edu/garden/honey-bees/
- United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service Home Page: http://www.ars.usda.gov/main/site_main.htm?modecode=20-22-05-00
- Honey Bee Health Coalition www.honeybeehealthcoalition.org (good site and great mite info)
- Project Apis m. www.projectapism.org
Links to Helpful Publications
Check out Dr. Farone's new book "Honey Bee Vet" published by northern bee books www.northernbeebooks.co.uk, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers.
Bee Culture -- The Magazine of American Beekeeping: www.beeculture.com
American Bee Journal - Beekeeping Magazine: www.americanbeejournal.com
A Field Guide to Honey Bees and Their Maladies: To purchase a copy