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2022 Events
Penn Vet Global Food Security Conference, Feb. 15th 7-8pm Zoom, Honey Bees in Agriculture 
Midwest Veterinary Conference/OVMA Columbus, OH February 16th 2022. Four Hours of Veterinary Bee CE!
Mercer County Beekeepers, Minnelli Run Farm.  March 2, 6pm. "Hive Beetles".
Keystone Veterinary Conference. 3 hours Bee CE, May 8, Hershey, PA
Beaver Valley Beekeepers, 7pm June 27th, "Hive Beetles"
Mercer County Conservation District, June 29 6:30-7:30pm Zoom, "Lets Dig In! Backyard Beekeeping" 
Rose Point Reformed Presbyterian Church, 7 pm July 20, 2022, 1166 Church Alley, New Castle, PA. "Bees in the Bible"
Central Western PA Beekeepers Association, 7 pm August 16, Macoskey Center Slippery Rock University, "Tick Prevention for Beekeepers"
Beekeeping Today, podcast episode going live September 5, 2022, Available on on several podcast apps
NWPAVMA, 9:00am-12:00pm September 24th, The Hampton Inn in Grove City PA, "Honeybee Basics" continuing education for veterinarians
Bee Culture, Sept. 30- Oct. 2 2022, Medina, OH. "Examining, Diagnosing, and Developing a Treatment Plan for 'Now What?' Thinking in Honeybees and Public Health"
Three-Rivers Veterinary Symposium, Nov. 12-13 2022, Doubletree by Hilton Pittsburgh-Cranberry, Mars PA. 3 hour lecture by Dr. Farone on Bee Medicine
2021 Events
OVMA, Midwest Veterinary Virtual Conference- Columbus, OH.
Three bee basics lectures for vets. February 16th 
Penn Vet via ZOOM Global Food Security Class 2021, Bees Importance in Agriculture, Tuesday, March 9th 5-6pm.

Montgomery County Beekeeping Association- 7pm, March 10th. Biosecurity for Beekeepers. Find more information at:

Colorado State Veterinary School, March 29th -Bee yard Biosecurity

Beaver Valley Beekeepers: Honey Bee Parasites April 26th, 7pm. Zoom meeting.

NWPBA- Edinboro University, November 20th.

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