2020 Events
Northwestern PA Beekeepers Association virtual meeting, November 19th, 7pm
Topic: Biosecurity in the bee yard
Videos Links:
Introduction to biosecurity https://youtu.be/3jRKdy0JlI4
Tips 1-4 https://youtu.be/Wx1jGxAEOJo
Tips 5 & 6 https://youtu.be/tHio3LWns0Q
Tips 7-10 https://youtu.be/SN4dZofYFG8
Vermont Veterinary Medical Association Virtual Conference
Three Hours of Bee CE for Vets with Dr. Farone!
November 7th, 1:30-4:30pm
Penn Vet Virtual Conference
Dr. Farone will be delivering 2 hours of bee vet CE.
September 23rd, 9-11am.
The Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium Annual Convention in September has been cancelled due to COVID-19. However....
A 8 hour on-line convention is planned for September 21,22, 28,29. See www.hbvc.org for more details.
Due to COVID-19 this event has been cancelled:
The AVMA Annual Convention in San Diego. Dr. Farone's Bee CE lectures.
Due to COVID -19 these events have been cancelled:
June 25th, 6-9pm, Rathburn Hall at Grove City College, Grove City, PA. Dinner and 2 hours of continuing education for veterinarians will be offered. Sponsored by the Northwest Veterinary Medical Association and Grove City College. A two-hour, hands-on wet lab will follow on:
June 27th, 1:30-3:30pm, at Ernst Conservation Seeds in Meadville, PA. Sponsored by the Northwest Beekeepers' Association and Ernst Conservation Seeds.
Due to COVID-19 this event is cancelled:
May 20 & 21 PVMA - Spring Clinic
Up to 12 hours of continuing education for veterinarians.

2019 CE and Speaking Events
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
2019 Annual Veterinary Practitioners' Meeting
Dr. Farone will be speaking at The 2019 Annual Veterinary Practitioners Meeting at Penn State University in State College. The 1:15pm talk is entitled "Working With Honey Bees and Beekeepers, 101", and will provide an introduction to critical things vets need to know about bee medicine. The meeting will be a full day event with other topics presented as well. CE is offered and the event is free. The venue's address is 127 Bryce Jordan Center, University Park, PA 16802 Lectures will be held in the Founder's room.
Saturday, August 17th, 2019
PVMA Keystone Veterinary Conference
On Saturday,Dr. Farone will be presenting a full day's track on Bees! Seminars will cover bee medicine basics, bee biology, bee diseases, bee nutrition and bees in One Health.
Hershey Lodge, Hershey, PA
Thursday,September 26th, 2019
Burgh's Bees Meeting: A World Adventure through Apiculture from a Clinical Researcher’s Perspective.
Dr. Farone will be describing what she learned in the last three years studying apiculture in various parts of the country and Europe from a biologist's and veterinary perspective. Important aspects of bee health will be discussed.
7pm- 9pm. Threadbare Cider House.
September 8-12th Apimondia
World-wide conference for all things bees. Hope to see you there!
Montreal, Canada
CWPA Beekeepers: A World Adventure through Apiculture from a Clinical Researcher’s Perspective
Dr. Farone will be describing what she learned in the last three years as she studied apiculture in various parts of the country and Europe from a biologist's and veterinary perspective. Important aspects of bee health will be discussed.
7pm- 9pm. Butler County Community College
Apicultural Sabbatical Summary
Dr. Farone will be describing what she learned in the last three years studying apiculture in various parts of the country and Europe from a biologist's and veterinary perspective. Important aspects of bee health will be discussed. New research coming to the College will be highlighted.