In the summer of 2023, Emily and Julianna worked on researching the frequency and viral load of Deformed Wing Virus in bees in our hives and in our local area.
Emily updated and redesigned a map of the pollinator-friendly garden beds around the bee yard.
Summer 2023

Summer 2022
In the summer of 2022, Sydney continued her sugar roll experiment that she started in 2021. If you would like more information please go to the 2021 Research page where Sydney's experiment is briefly explained. You can view the results of her sugar roll experiment in our blog post entitled, "To Sugar Roll or Alcohol Wash, That is the Question", linked in the button below!
Additionally, Ellie worked in partnership with a school in Grove City, Pennsylvania to develop educational material to be used in the classroom to educate students on the importance and biology of bees. Watch Ellie's educational video below!
The Bee Project also partnered with a local church through Project Rural Ministry in order to develop and provide educational material on bees to children attending VBS there this summer as well as delivering honey to some of the widows who are members of the church. Information about this can be found at Ruralministry.org